There are so many ways to get rid of your waste but some of those ways could be damaging to the environment. It’s important to know about the ways you can go green and support more environmentally friendly practices when it comes to your waste management. Here are 3 tips on how to dispose of waste in a greener way:
Recycle, recycle, and recycle! We can’t stress this enough. Such an easy thing to do when you’re getting rid of your rubbish but it seems to be missed by a lot of people. Majority of your waste can be recycled. Some waste products that can be recycled include paper, plastic, glass, metal, electronics, batteries etc. This gets missed because people usually have no idea about which waste products can actually be recycled. Recycling has so many benefits, which include protecting our wildlife, reduces demand for raw materials and saves energy. This will aid in keeping our planet cleaner and greener.
If you’re looking for a greener and more environmentally friendly way to get rid of your waste, perhaps you should consider starting a compost bin. It may be an old way of organic waste disposal but it has so many benefits for not only the environmental but also yourself. This compost bin will be specifically kept for any food waste and scraps you may have that are biodegradable. Once you have filled the bin, you can empty it into garden compost and used as a fertilizer to keep your grass and garden healthy. This turns your food waste into fuel for your garden which is a win! If you don’t have a garden yourself, you can always give it to one of your neighbours who do or even donate the compost to a public garden. This will aid in limiting your carbon footprint.
We’re all guilty of having that little (not so little) stash of plastic and paper bags that eventually just go into the bin. What you can do with them to be more environmentally conscious, is reuse them for things like storage or bin bags for the bins around your house. Better yet, reusing them when you’re going to grab your groceries instead of spending another 15c on another plastic bag you’ll add to the stash. If you’re out of plastic or paper bags, we suggest purchasing reusable grocery bags. On the topic of reusing your plastic, another way you can aid in more environmentally friendly practices, is reusing plastic water bottles. You could even wash your empty glass peanut butter jar and repurpose or reuse it!